General Dentistry Checkups- 7 days a week
We offer general dentistry checkups in Leicester, 7 days a week!
£45 only!
We are here to see you 365 days a year!
If you are looking for a general dentistry checkup, please feel free to call us or book with us on the link provided. We will see you within 12 hours, and we won’t charge you extra for weekends, including Sundays.
We are most competitively priced in Leicester, with no hidden charges.
General dentistry checkups - 7 days a week in Leicester
Book a checkup with us!
We offer full dental checkups at £45.
Our experienced dentist will provide a full oral assessment and give you advice on any treatments required, and will look at any dental concerns.
We do not charge extra for any X-rays required, it’s included in £45 fees.
We provide a 7 days a week appointment availability, please feel free to book a time of your convenience or give us a call.
Book now!
Where to find us
Where to find us
Talk to our friendly team