Cleaning dentures - how to do it the right way.

Caring for your dentures is crucial for the health of your dentures, and also for your overall oral hygiene. Regularly cleaning your dentures ensures they last longer, look better, and can prevent a host of dental issues such as infections, irritation, and bad breath.

This blog is dedicated to helping you understand the importance of denture maintenance and will provide practical steps on how to clean your dentures effectively. By adopting these best practices, you can maintain optimal dental health and enjoy the benefits of your dentures without discomfort

Our goal is to provide clear, straightforward advice that you can easily follow to keep your smile healthy and bright. Whether you are new to wearing dentures or looking to improve your denture care routine, this blog is designed to equip you with all the necessary knowledge to care for your dentures properly.

Understanding dentures

Let’s begin by understanding exactly what dentures are and the importance of caring for them properly. Dentures are custom-fitted replacements for missing teeth and surrounding tissues, commonly made from acrylic, nylon, or metal materials. These materials are chosen for their strength and ability to mimic the look and function of natural teeth.

Having dentures can make a significant difference in your life. They not only improve the look of your smile but also restore essential functions such as chewing and speaking, which often become more challenging when teeth are missing. More than just aesthetic improvements, dentures help support the facial structure, preventing the muscles from sagging and giving your face a fuller, healthier appearance.

Proper care for your dentures is critical because it helps avoid dental problems like bad breath, gum disease, and infections, which can occur if dentures are neglected. Moreover, by keeping your dentures in excellent condition, you ensure they fit comfortably and perform their functions effectively. Regular cleaning and careful handling will extend their durability and enhance your overall quality of life. Let's focus on maintaining your dentures well, so they can continue to benefit you every day!

Daily cleaning routines

Morning care

Star your day by giving your dentures a good clean before popping them in. This routine isn't just about hygiene; it's about setting a fresh, comfortable tone for the day. Start by brushing them gently with a soft-bristled denture brush. This type of brush is designed to be gentle on the denture's materials while effectively removing plaque and any leftover adhesive. After brushing, soak your dentures in a mild cleansing solution specifically formulated for dentures. It’s important to avoid using regular toothpaste, as its abrasive properties can scratch and damage the surface of your dentures, making them more susceptible to stains and bacteria build-up.

After meals

It’s wise to remove and rinse your dentures after each meal. This quick step is crucial for maintaining your dentures' cleanliness and extending their lifespan. Simply hold them under running water to wash away food particles and other residues. This prevents the accumulation of stains and reduces the risk of bacterial growth on your dentures, which can contribute to bad breath and other oral health issues.

Evening routine

Your evening routine should involve a more thorough cleaning of your dentures. Remove them to give your gums a chance to rest and recover from the day’s wear. With the dentures out, apply a denture-specific cleaner and use your denture brush to scrub all surfaces gently but thoroughly. Pay special attention to the areas that come into contact with your gums to remove any lingering adhesive and plaque. This not only keeps your dentures in top shape but also helps maintain the health of your gums. Once they are clean, you might choose to soak them overnight in a cleaning solution, which can help to disinfect and remove tough stains. Remember to rinse them well in the morning before wearing them again.

How to choose the right products - cleansing for dentures

Denture cleansers

Choosing the right cleansing solution is key to maintaining your dentures effectively. Always choose a cleanser that is specifically formulated for dentures. These solutions are designed to combat stain buildup and kill bacteria without damaging the delicate materials of your dentures. Unlike regular toothpaste or household cleaners, which can be too abrasive or chemically harsh, denture cleansers typically contain mild but effective cleaning agents that ensure thorough cleanliness while being gentle on your dentures. Some cleansers come in the form of tablets that dissolve in water to create an effervescent solution, helping to lift stains and bacteria from hard-to-reach areas.


For daily brushing, it’s crucial to use a brush specifically designed for dentures. These brushes feature soft bristles that are gentle enough to prevent scratching the acrylic surface, which could otherwise create small crevices that are ideal for bacterial growth. A denture brush typically has a dual-head design—one side with flat bristles for cleaning the flat denture surfaces and another side with angled bristles designed to reach into the crevices of the dentures. Regular use of a proper denture brush can significantly extend the life of your dentures and keep them looking new.

Soaking solutions

Using a soaking solution overnight is an excellent practice for deep cleaning your dentures. These solutions help to kill bacteria and other pathogens that might not be visible to the eye but can accumulate on the dentures over time. Most soaking solutions are designed to be gentle on the denture but tough on plaque and microorganisms. After soaking your dentures overnight, it's essential to rinse them thoroughly under running water. This step is crucial to remove any residual cleaning solution, which could otherwise cause irritation when the dentures are worn. An overnight soak not only ensures that your dentures are hygienically clean but also helps to maintain their whiteness and prevent odour.

Professional care and denture check-ups

While daily cleaning is vital, regular check-ups with your dentist are just as important. Your dentist can help spot any fit issues or damages and can professionally clean your dentures, which can extend their lifespan and ensure optimal hygiene.

Troubleshooting common issues

Sometimes, even with the best care, you might encounter issues with your dentures. If you notice any discomfort, bad smells, or loose fit, consult your dentist. Never attempt to adjust or repair your dentures yourself as this could cause irreparable damage.

Here at Winchester Avenue Dental, we provide you with the best care, ensuring your dentures always feel as comfortable as possible!


Cleaning dentures is an integral part of maintaining both your dental health and the longevity of your dentures. Regular, thorough cleaning, coupled with routine dental check-ups, will help you maintain not just your dentures but also your overall oral health. Keep these tips in mind to ensure your dentures stay clean, fresh, and comfortable.

Frequently asked questions - dentures

The cost of dentures in the UK can vary widely depending on the type and material used. At Winchester Avenue Dental, our prices are as follows: Full Acrylic Dentures - £530; Cobalt Chrome Dentures Upper or Lower - £951, Flexi-Dentures Upper or Lower - From £550. Please note that these prices need to be used as guidelines.

The waiting time for dentures can vary depending on the dental service provider and your specific needs. Typically, it can take a few weeks to a few months from the initial consultation to the final fitting. This includes time for mouth impressions, denture manufacturing, and adjustments.

No, it's essential to see a dentist or a qualified clinical dental technician to get new dentures. They ensure that the dentures fit properly and function well, which is crucial for your oral health and comfort.

If there isn’t enough gum tissue, dentists might recommend bone grafting or use implant-supported dentures, which do not rely solely on gum tissue for support.

It's generally recommended to remove dentures at night to allow the gums to rest and to maintain good oral hygiene. However, some people may be advised by their dentist to keep them in for specific reasons initially after fitting.