How long does teeth whitening last? Learn more here

Hello there! At Winchester Avenue Dental Surgery, we love seeing our patients leave with bright smiles! Teeth whitening is a fantastic option if you’re looking to make your smile whiter.

One of the most common questions we hear is, “How long does teeth whitening last?” It’s a great question, and the answer can depend on several factors. Today, we’ll chat about what affects the longevity of teeth whitening, how you can maintain those brilliant results, and why our preferred at-home whitening kits from Philips Zoom and Enlighten could be just what you need.

Why choose Philips Zoom and Enlighten at-home whitening kits?

Before we get into how long teeth whitening lasts, let’s talk about why we recommend Philips Zoom and Enlighten at-home kits at our Leicester clinic. Philips Zoom and Enlighten are two of the most trusted names in professional teeth whitening, known for delivering fast, effective results while being gentle on your teeth.

Philips Zoom: The Zoom at-home kit can make your teeth up to eight shades whiter over a few applications! Plus, it includes post-treatment care products, like a special desensitising gel, to help reduce any sensitivity you might experience. This makes it a comfortable option for many of our patients.

Enlighten: Enlighten is another highly reliable system, known for achieving a deep and even whitening effect. It’s the only system that guarantees a B1 shade, which is the whitest natural tooth colour, providing you with long-lasting, predictable results from the comfort of your own home.

How long does teeth whitening last?

Now, onto the big question. Generally, the effects of teeth whitening can last anywhere from six months to three years. But let’s be real—this depends on a few things:

  1. Type of whitening treatment: Professional-grade at-home treatments like Philips Zoom and Enlighten tend to last longer than over-the-counter products. These advanced whitening formulas penetrate deeply into your enamel, offering a longer-lasting brightening effect.
  2. Lifestyle choices: What you eat and drink after whitening plays a big role in how long your results last. If you’re a fan of coffee, tea, red wine, or dark berries, you might see some discolouration returning sooner. The same goes for smoking or using tobacco products, which are notorious for staining teeth.
  3. Oral hygiene: Keeping up with a good oral hygiene routine is essential. Regular brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash will help keep your teeth white. We also recommend using a whitening toothpaste to help maintain your new shade.

Individual factors: Everyone’s teeth are different. Your natural tooth colour, the thickness of your enamel, and how well your teeth respond to the treatment all play a part in how long your whitening results will last.

Interactive tips to prolong your teeth whitening results

1. Avoid Staining Foods and Drinks

Challenge: Can you go a whole week without your usual cup of coffee or glass of wine? Try switching to alternatives like herbal tea or white wine. Keep track of how your teeth look and feel after seven days!

Action step: If you do enjoy staining drinks, grab a straw and keep it handy. Every time you sip, use the straw and then rinse your mouth with water. You’ll be amazed at how this small change can make a big difference.

2. Try to quit Smoking

Reflection: Think about the reasons you’ve considered quitting smoking before. Write down three benefits that quitting would bring to your life—whether it’s whiter teeth, better health, or more energy.

Action step: Take the first step today. Whether it’s setting a quit date or researching support options, commit to making a positive change for your smile and your health.

3. Visit us regularly

Schedule it: Open your calendar right now and book your next dental check-up. Regular visits help us catch any potential issues early and keep your teeth in tip-top shape.

Action step: During your next visit, ask us about our whitening services. We’ll help you decide if a quick touch-up is right for you.

Feedback: How did your last visit go? Share your experience with us—we’re always looking to improve our services and make your visit even better.


Teeth whitening is a great way to enhance your smile, and with Philips Zoom and Enlighten at-home kits from Winchester Avenue Dental Surgery, you can enjoy stunning, long-lasting results. Remember, how long your teeth whitening lasts is partly up to you. By making mindful choices and sticking to a good dental routine, you can keep your smile bright for years to come.

Interested in brightening your smile? Give us a call at 0116 216 1872, or visit our teeth whitening page to book your Philips Zoom or Enlighten teeth whitening consultation today. We’re here to help you smile with confidence!

Frequently asked questions - how long does teeth whitening last

The time you should keep teeth whitening products varies depending on the treatment. If you're using a professional at-home kit like those from Philips Zoom or Enlighten, it might be anything from 30 minutes to a few hours, depending on the specific instructions. Some treatments are even designed to be worn overnight. Don’t worry, we’ll provide you with all the details and instructions tailored just for you.

At Winchester Avenue Dental Surgery, we believe in offering great care at fair prices. Professional at-home teeth whitening kits here in Leicester typically range between £353 to £550, depending on the method you choose. Feel free to give us a call for a more precise quote based on your needs.

Yes, teeth whitening products do have an expiration date. Over time, the active ingredients can lose their effectiveness, so it’s important to use them within the recommended timeframe. Always check with us if you’re unsure—better safe than sorry!

Absolutely! Many of our patients find that whitening their teeth with Philips Zoom or Enlighten at-home kits boosts their confidence and helps them feel more comfortable showing off their smile. While the results aren’t permanent, with the right care, they can last a long time, making it a worthwhile investment for many.

We recommend waiting at least six months to a year between whitening treatments. Overdoing it can lead to sensitivity or damage your enamel, so it’s best to follow our guidance on how often to use your at-home whitening kit to keep your teeth healthy and bright.